In case you are planning to develop the presence of your business online,  then one of the very first things to consider is that whether to create a mobile app for users or mobile friendly website or both? The choice comes down to few factors that depend on your target audience, your budget, purpose and required features.


Before digging deeper into the benefits of mobile websites vs. app, it will be a good idea to understand the key differences between these two.


A responsive or mobile website is like any other website that is generally based on browser-based HTML pages that are linked together and are accessed over the internet.


While on the other hand cross browser apps are kind of applications that are downloaded and installed on your mobile devices. These apps put contents and data from the website that is sometimes downloaded so it can be accessed offline as well.


Making a choice between the responsive website and an app is not simple as it all depends on your specific goals that you want to achieve by letting mobile users access your website. For Example, if your product is an online game then getting an app developed for mobile users is a better choice. However, if your goal is to offer your users a mobile friendly content, then a mobile friendly website will be the best option. In few cases, it will be more appropriate has both the cross-browser app and responsive website as well.


Most of the businesses generally start their mobile web presence by getting their mobile friendly website developed while apps are developed for specific purposes that can’t be performed through a web browser.








So we have discussed advantages of mobile friendly websites against mobile apps. Let’s have a look under what circumstances these mobile apps are the better choice.


  1. 1.   Mobile apps can be the good choice for interactive games like angry bird etc.





As mobile usage continues to grow worldwide the question between the choice of app and website will be the matter of hot debate. However, your choice should be based on specific requirements of your business. If you are looking for marketing, delivering the contents or developing the online presence, then you must prefer website instead of mobile apps.

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