Having a responsive website design is becoming a necessity in modern day cyber space. Unlike good old days when websites were accessed only from a PC, nowadays, all kind of gadgets are being used to reach websites. From tablets to smartphones, from laptops to kindle devices, all types of devices are being used to visit websites and all of them have different screen sizes.
Now in order to facilitate all the visitors and to provide them with a view of website that matches to the screen size of their gadget’s size, responsive website design is utilized. It relieves a developer to make websites for every particular device and even comes handy for devices that are bracing up to be launched in coming days.
HTML5 and CSS3 are the tools that are being used in order to design and develop websites that have a responsive website design. It helps in catering to the needs of resolution requirements of any gadget. Most important task of responsive website design is to make website flexible in order to match with the screen size of respective IT device. This flexibility is also termed as Fluid website design that consists of fluid images and fluid text setup. All this is achieved via creating liquid and elastic layouts with the help of CSS3. Working with images is also tricky and the issue is again resolved with the combination of CSS and HTML. Data-fullsrc tag is a custom attribute that helps you tam images according to screen resolutions.HTML and CSS features support as basis for progressive enhancement of website design and their ultimate run-time reading on browser for client-side view.
With introduction of HTML5, multimedia content has found space to be entered into the website design without any external plugins and this has helped the purpose of a responsive website design as well. Our expert team of web developers at Whitehats carries vast experience in designing websites which have a responsive design so that our client’s website is accessible without any glitch on all platform and devices.