Website redesigning is not something that you want to do very often. However, if you don’t do it often enough your company will certainly lose the way it is perceived by customers. As compared to others, customers will believe you are completely out of touch with modern technological changes and trends. I am sure if you understand the value of having an effective online presence, you will never take it lightly. As web development company in Dubai, we are often being asked by clients how often should they consider redesigning their website? We definitely give them advice on their website. But whatever your niche of businesses the phrase that says “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is certainly not correct about website designing and development.
Let`s dig deeper into the issue to find out how often should your business website needs a facelift.
Before getting into any discussion, if you don’t have a website that is developed as a responsive design then you don’t need to read any further. You must just straight away contact web development company in Dubai and without thinking any further get it redesigned so it can be optimized for mobile devices. Seriously not having a responsive website you are losing business.
Now if you already have a responsive web design, you must continue reading. Let’s talk about the real issue. Well, the truth about it is there is no definitive time period to get a new website developed. How long you should wait before considering website redesign depends and it depends on many factors that include your niche, your industry in which you are operating in, competitors, business goals and much more. In some cases, a website that is 4 years older seems pretty modern than 2 years older, so there is no specific formula. Your web design and Development Company should have a better understanding of business and latest industry trends to help you with it.
For many people, it may not be a satisfactory answer that it depends and it depends on not one but many factors. However, there are many researchers on this issues that give us a hind how often companies go through the process of a website redesign. According to Orbit Media research the this was 2.66 years, that was less than as many people assumed it should be. Regardless of industry, it should be accepted and the well-understood reality that websites have a shorter span of life and it is getting shorter with the time. it is because technology is changing very rapidly and the pace is very fast. Just imagine, a few years back not many people were using internet on their mobile devices and it really did not matter to have a mobile-friendly website but now it does. There are dozens of new web design tools, graphics, and other web design elements that have become an essential part of modern web designs.
So how you should evaluate when you need to start this process? Well answer despite age is certainly a factor but there are many other signs that may indicate that your website needs a redesign.
Ask yourself these questions to find out whether you need it immediately?
So do you answer no for any of above questions, then you probably need to get in touch with web design and Development Company to consult about it. All of above questions indicate that if answered no it needs some hands-on experts to find and fix the issues it is having.