A web host or web hosting services are important for your business as they provide you with a technological platform to host all the data of your website that can make a website accessible through the Internet. You will need Web servers in order to host your web services if you don’t own one like many SMEs, then you will have to buy the space on it from hosting service provider. Since there are a number of different companies offering web hosting services in Dubai with different features it may be difficult for you to decide what features you should be looking for in the web hosting services. Many web hosting services have also started offering cloud hosting in Dubai as well. In most cases, your web design company will help you in choosing the web hosting service according to your needs. However, you must always look for following features in web hosting service provider before making a final decision.
The first feature that you must be looking for in web hosting service provider is the amount of hard drive space that they will be providing you, is that space is according to your needs?
In order to get it evaluated how must ask following questions for you.
(i)How many pages your entire website have?
(ii)Are you going to increase your number of web pages in future?
(iii)What type of file formats are you going to keep on the web server?
By answering all these questions, you should be able to find out the right disk space that you will be required for your website.
You can discuss with your web design company about how much disk space will be required to setup your website.
Bandwidth refers to the amount of data transfer that is allocated to your website. You should choose your bandwidth based on a number of your website visitors. The website will become inaccessible if you choose a web hosting plan with insufficient bandwidth. Many hosting service providers offer unlimited bandwidth in their packages however this is not truly unlimited. It has certain conditions and restrictions on the use of this bandwidth data, therefore, don’t get into the trap of unlimited data transfer.
File transfer protocol or FTP is a mechanism of transferring the file from your personal computer to your hosting service where it can be used for website. Many prefer it as it is easier to use. However not every hosting package includes FTP access. There are three different types of hosting services that defaults, multiple and anonymous ftp service.
It is a web-based interface that allows you to manage your domain services through a web browser; the control panel includes different icons that help you to change settings or perform different functions on your website. Although every package includes some sort of control panel, you must look for user-friendly web-based interface to control different options on your website.
You must avoid web hosting service that takes too long to reply your questions and other requests. It is not the good sign if you have to wait 24 hours to get your answers. You must only choose web hosting service provider who has reliable customer support.
If you are looking for “web hosting in Dubai,” you must talk to our experts at +971 4 33 82500 for help in choosing right web hosting services. We at Whitehats Design offer highly reliable web design and development services.