In today`s competitive business environment, just having a website is not enough rather it should be designed to produce high conversion rate. The success of your small business highly depends on it. You may have great product line backed by experienced marketing and Search Engine Optimization team. But if your web design is not good enough to turn your website visitors into customers then it will all go in vain.
Our team of web designers consistently focuses on high user conversion rates. We believe web design should not only be attractive enough to engage users but should also but convert them as well. Our Web design influence users to take action.
When you are thinking to setup a website for your small and medium business, then you must first identify your goals of the website so the web design should be produced according to it.
If your website does not achieve above goals or has low conversion rates, then it may need a review and may need a redesign.
Here are few web design tricks that can help you increase conversion rates.
Having Clear Value Proposition is Important.
Competition among small businesses is tough. Customers should be able to differentiate your products or services based on your ability to innovate unique and better products and services. Your web design should be produced to convey targeted message we are better, and we are unique. This full focus on unique selling point will help you attract, engage and attract customers.
Keep your Website, Navigation Simple.
A high conversion website should be designed for better user experience. The flow of information and navigation should help your website visitors go through the different place on your website. There should be logical and predictable navigation that could help user understands your website map within few seconds. In case your web design is not create a challenge to your website visitors. Website visitors should be able to reach where they want through the website with one or two clicks.
Use Predictable Website Layout.
A website to convert at a reasonable rate it should have predictable web design layout. You can have a look at competitor`s website. A common practice for predictable layout will be that your business phone number is typically found on the right top corner of your website while brand information like logos will be on the top left side. A call to action button can be placed in front or bottom.
Reduce User Clicks.
If your website is designed in a way that it takes more users more than 2 clicks to reach its intended web page, then it will significantly reduce your conversion rates. You must always keep things simple and avoid interruptions like popup etc. If you are using payment checkouts on your website then it must be simple, remember not to ask any extra information or questions from customers at this point.
Magnify Call to Action throughout Website.
You may already be aware of the importance of call to action on your website. You must magnify call to action throughout your website. These “calls to action” button should be more visible than any other parts of the web page. This will give users a quick understanding of what they need to do next.
Keep user Input Minimum.
You must make sure to keep users input at a minimum. You must not ask users too much information. Keep it in mind you should not make them spend time on things they don’t like and asking for too much information about them will be annoying for them. Therefore you must avoid it.
Use Fewer (Large Images).
You must make sure that you don’t use too many smaller images. However, according to latest web design trends, you should be using larger images. It can any image related to your products, business or niche. However, you must make sure these are high quality images that look attractive your website visitors.
Ensure Better Color Coordination.
Color coordination is an important factor. Different colors collectively affect users in a variety of ways. You must make ensure appropriate color coordination based on research and user psychology. User move quickly throughout the website, different color can get their attention for example dominant color in call to action images should be Red 42.1%, Green 17.3%, and Blue 40.6 %
You must have Responsive/Mobile Friendly Web Design.
With growing smartphone users it has become essential that you must have a mobile friendly web design that should be accessible easily from user smartphones. Ignoring it will result in losing smartphone customers.